Openings at Pudami Schools
Education Experts/Teacher Trainers - ERC
Talented teachers / Post graduates in Math, Physical Science, Biological Science, Social Studies, English, with good command and passion for teaching the subject creatively, having excellent English communication skills and a desire to ensure student learning.
Principal (3-5 lacs per annum) – Pudami Neighbourhood Schools
Post graduates in Math/Physics with B.Ed, below 40 years, having teaching experience, fluent in English, with 2-3 years of administrative experience. Experience of working with economically deprived children would be an advantage.
High School Teachers – Pudami Neighbourhood Schools
Post graduates in their respective subject – (Telugu/ Hindi/ English/ Math/ Science/ Social studies with B.Ed, 1-3 years of experience in teaching the subject and fluent in English.
Academic Coordinators / Vice Principal – Pudami Schools
Post graduates /Graduates with B.Ed, having teaching experience and fluent in English, with 1-2 years of administrative experience.
School Coordinators – Pudami Primaries
Graduates with 2-5 years experience in teaching or school administration, with good English communication skills and willing to travel in the suburbs of Hyderabad. School coordinators will be responsible for 6 to 7 schools looking after logistics, revenues, and academic processes.
School Incharge – Pudami Primaries
Graduates with B.Ed, fluent in English, and 2-3 years of teaching experience
Primary Teachers
Graduates/ B.Ed fluent in English, 0-2 years of experience
Pre primary Teachers
PPT/Montessori trained /Graduates /B.Ed fluent in English