It is recognised that the Educational Resource Centre has the overall responsibility for the academics of the school, but to enable a school to function effectively, ERC and Principal work together in a climate of mutual goodwill, respect, trust and co-operation. Our ERC staff work hard to foster good relations with the staff and community and is currently in the process of developing a Strategic Plan/Charter and associated policies.
The four major roles of ERC
1. The overall monitoring of the academics.
2. In its governance role the ERC is primarily responsible through the charter, for the establishment of goals for this school. This requires the ERC to establish school academics after due consultation with the Principal, staff and school community, monitor and evaluate their results and review academics regularly.
3. To support the Principal in its management role, by providing the required worksheets, teacher trainings, administration, personnel and finance matters to allow the Principal to manage effectively.
4. To select the Principal and approve the appointment of all staff.