The concept of starting Pudami schools began as a modest dream to provide high quality English medium education to children, primarily from underprivileged backgrounds, in four schools in 2006. Today, the Pudami model has considerably evolved and expanded, reaching out to nearly 6,000 children through 29 primary schools and four large neighbourhood schools.
Set up in 1996, Dr. Reddy's Foundation (DRF) is a non-profit partner of Dr. Reddy's Laboratories. Driven by its belief in the inherent motivation and capacity of the human being for progress – given the appropriate and adequate environment – DRF innovates and tries out novel concepts that are continuously refined and scaled up to cover larger groups of disadvantaged populations.
Seeing the possibilities rather than the problems created by change, DRF plays the role of a change agent in the social sector, by recognizing and pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission, and by engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation and learning.It strives to provide various opportunities for learning to those who have never been to school, or have dropped out of it; it also works to improve the quality of education in schools.
An active social worker, Anuradha Prasad takes keen interest in the activities of DRF, providing leadership for its various initiatives in the fields of education and livelihoods creation. She is also a Trustee of Jiddu Krishnamurti Trust, the Chairperson of the Hyderabad Chapter of 'Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth' (SPICMACAY), and an Advisory Board Member of 'Centre for Social Initiative and Management' (CSIM). She runs Saptaparni, an organization dedicated to promoting Indian performing arts, culture and heritage.